How come we continue to do things that are not good for us and our children? Our lifestyles are killing us and making our children unwell. 

For some of us, that’s a literal statement. Mental and physical illnesses are on the rise in this country. High levels of stress, busyness, materialist and autonomous values, a lack of interpersonal connection, climate change, a toxic food system, high electronics use, and disconnection from nature. We are amid a spiritual and cultural crisis.

When will we stop? How many more people will die by suicide? Suffer cancer? Use addiction to cope with pain? Get another phone call from the school principal about behavior issues? Go too deep in debt? Zone out on devices rather than engage with life? 

Many of the systems we have in place, need to be transformed, not improved; dismantled, and built anew with creativity and clear guiding values. That’s a LARGE undertaking that might feel too big to tackle! What can you do now? 

Where does change start? IT STARTS WITH YOU! As Gabor Maté says In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, “Spiritual work and psychological work are both necessary to reclaim our true nature. Spiritual awakening is no more and no less than a human being claiming his or her own full humanity” and that “nothing is more important for the future of our culture than the way children develop.” Research supports children need nurturing and attuned primary caregivers, and to feel “understood, accepted, and respected” in relationships with adults. 

How do we do that? Let’s start with curiosity, learning, and more awareness! More intention. More nature time. More creative and play time. More moving bodies. More presence and attention. More support. More connection to self, community, and spirituality. THEN we’ll be on our way, growing healthier children and cultivating regulated adults.

Coriander Living Collective encourages life satisfaction through connection to self, others, and the world by embracing one’s humanity and lifestyle with insight, intention, and action through psychotherapy & counseling, workshops & retreats, and collective growth practices. Join us!


“Resource the Self/Revive the World”


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