Anxiety: A Metabolic Disorder? Not a Psychiatric Disorder.
I thought this article was worth posting because my training background does not deem anxiety a psychiatric disorder, and philosophically, I believe there are ways to treat anxiety besides medications. I conceptualize anxiety as an overacting stress/threat response due to trauma or ongoing stress. I think dietary deficiencies can create stress in our bodies and that prolonged stress hormones wreak havoc in our bodies. Pointed supplementation can be a meaningful part of anxiety treatment along with psychotherapy.
According to this article in Psychology Today magazine, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders in the US and traditionally treated with psychotherapy and neuroactive medications. This article discusses new science that supports anxiety being a physical state and an issue with energy regulation in the body, to be treated with diet and supplementation.
The following are listed as nutrients that are supported by studies to be associated with low anxiety symptoms: Magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, and pre/probiotics.
Information is power! Make informed decisions about your wellbeing. Need a guide? Coriander Living Collective would be honored to support treating your anxiety and stress.