Most of us have been there, either at a concert, or listening to the radio in the car, and a song comes on that, WOW, feels like it was written for you, cuts to the core, moves you in some remarkable way. Music is powerful. Around the globe and for ions music has been part of human culture. We use music to celebrate, regulate, express, dance, and to be moved.

Research supports that music has many benefits:

  • Listening to music releases endorphins, reduces stress, improves cognitive function and focus, reduces pain

  • Creating music enhances self-expression, deepens belonging

  • Singing boosts serotonin production, improves mood

At Coriander Living Collective, we use biolateral and bilateral music while doing BRAINSPOTTING and EMDR. These special types of music enhance right-left brain communication, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a great tool, I often teach clients about to regulate and calm their nervous systems outside of sessions as well. Music is my co-teacher during Open Floor conscious movement classes.

In what ways does music benefit you? What’s your recent favorite jam? What’s a great music memory that you have? Curious to learn more about biolateral and bilateral music? Just reach out!


BIBLIOTHERAPY: Opening to Darkness by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel


BIBLIOTHERAPY: When the Past Is Present by David Richo